
When you are working, your professional network is working for you as you are constantly in touch with your assiduity connections which can open numerous unanticipated doors. If you are not working, you are out of sight and out of mind. While searching for a new job, being in a job gives you leverage to negotiate terms. You are in a greater position to demand and get what you want and without a job, this leverage goes out the window.
Looking out for a job while employed might add some trouble to your existing position if not taken due care.
To ensure a successful job search while you’re still employed, here are few do’s and don’ts:

1. Re-evaluate yourself
You should evaluate self to determine what you need in a job to be happy. It’s always good to know your worth. During the pandemic, people have had the opportunity to re-evaluate their career paths and jobs, and think through what’s next. Just don’t be stuck where you are and it’s always good to do timely check on your potential.
2. Don’t surpass the possibilities with your present employer
Before you venture out for a new job, be dare enough to discuss with your existing employer what you want. If you can see yourself growing in your current company work out a plan together that will address your need. Growth and people oriented Companies are open to having these conversations to retain their talent. It can be much easier to transfer to another division in your present company than to start from scratch somewhere else.
3. Be discreet
Avoid posting your resume on various job sites, Instead, establish one-on-one connections and share your profile to people you know. Figure out where you’d like to work, then approach people in that company privately or take assistance of professional job consultants to assist you in the job search. Don’t advertise that you’re looking around. Ask your potential employer to maintain confidentiality. Be clear and specific about your need for discretion.
4. Don’t neglect your existing job
While searching a job do not neglect your present duties as it might bring you in scanner. You may not want your negligence to your duty to give signal to your boss or co-workers that your brain has left the building even if your body is still there. Stay focused on your work and perform your duty diligently. This will preserve your reputation and you be able to leave, when the time comes, with your head held high.
5. Be in good terms with everyone at work
Never storm off in a huff no matter how frustrated you are, In the long term, it might cost bitter. At the very least, you don’t want to create a reputation as someone who leaves co-workers in a lurch. There could also be a chance that in future you might report to one at another company. Leaving with little or no notice can come back to haunt you for years to come so try leave on a good note.
6. Build your people network
Stay connected with your peers no matter where they are. The best way to find a job is through people you know who can vouch for your skills and knowledge, and work ethic. To stay connected join user groups, alumni connections, social platform and attend networking events. Ensure to stay in touch and re-establish your relationship with anyone who has added value in your career you in the past.
7. Optimise LinkedIn
LinkedIn is an excellent professional platform where you bump into people you know, or might want to know hence should use this tool effectively. Don’t just simply like and share posts on LinkedIn rather look for ways to establish a connect by doing a comment on posts from other people. Look for opportunity to meet your LinkedIn connect offline as this would further strengthen your relations with them.
8. Don’t beat the trumpet
Loose lips can jeopardize your current and prospective job so be patient. Your job search should not make noise as it might land you in trouble. Avoid to mention your job search on social media as It may find its way back to your current employer, and prospective employers may view your lack of discretion unfavourably.
To conclude, sometimes a job search reveals that grass only looks greener on the other side.  If you discover how much you enjoy your current job, there is nothing wrong with calling off the search and being where you are. However, having said that You should slow down the search, and if you realize throughout your job search that you are at a great company with a great job, go slow and put the search on the back burner till you feel the heat.

Author: Neetu Jaiswal

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